Love him! he's kinda cute!
Ini si Ryan Higa!!! dese jadi phenomenal di youtube baru-baru ini karena coletehan dan aksinya yang lucu... sampe-sampe videonya udah disucribe lebih empat juta orang dalam waktu gak begitu lama. Kalo kita sich jatuh cintrong karena dese lumayan unyu-unyu!
Japanese boy will never die dech!!!
Considering he's been around 4 years active in youtube I think the phrase" waktu ga begitu lama" is overrated. He had filmed a movie within that 4 years due to his fame in youtube by the way. May I suggest searching "kevjumba" and "wongfu production" in youtube as well? Love your blog :)
BalasHapushahaha.. about that overated thing? that my mistaken! i did not doing some research before! hehehe thankyou for the info!